Thursday, January 29, 2009

ChicagoBeerReview #1: Start with #1...

This is the first edition of the ChicagoBeerReview, a blog that focuses on fine beer drinking in Chicago. The goal is to list and review fine beer serving establishments, makers of fine beer, and events that contribute to the drinking of fine beer in Chicago. I hope to inform the readers about bars, restaurants, breweries, stores, and brands that contribute to the delivery of fine beers. I will post food and drink specials as well...and probably some ranting and raving.

First and foremost, I'm going to bring out the big guns to start with. I would like to request that every beer drinker try Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA
at least once in your life. This continually hopped IPA from Milton, DE, boasts 20% alcohol content (more if it's aged longer) and a unique, sweet flavor unlike any I have ever tasted. It's well worth the extra money you will spend on a bottle. It dosen't get much better than this.

That's it for CBR #1, there will be more to come in the future. For now: enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even know they had a 120 minute! I'll surely have to locate that beer and give it a try!

